Saturday, February 13, 2010

Grand Entrance Event

Our company is having quarterly promotions. This quarter is a move in incentive and to support that concept MB came up with a series of games. Of course we had entertainment too. This was a dance group and in between their numbers, we had the games.

Remember the first suitcases with wheels? You know the ones before they discovered inline skate wheels, the suitcases that wobbled and fell over a lot. We found one at a goodwill store so one game was to see how far you could roll it. We stuffed it with awkward stuff so it would tip over easily. Here's what it looked like.

Another was to pack, so MB put a bunch of stuff in a box and you had to trash it or put it in the kitchen box or bedroom box. You only had 30 seconds, so you had to work fast.

The next day we had a great dinner followed by banana splits. Here's Bob scooping it up.

Bob thought they came for his banana splits, but everyone really came for the chance to win a $100 bill.

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